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Hotel Solution

Hotels want to engage guests with accurate, real-time information about their properties so they are more familiar, satisfied, and spend more time and money during their stay.
We know you need an end-to-end solution for your property. Our digital solutions are diverse, including display systems, interactive kiosks, security and access authorization systems, display software and management...

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Digital Signage

Lobby wide screen

Lobby wide screen

Display multi message and media, including nearby landscape, ads, Hotel introductions and any media content

Hotel Halls Display

Hotel Halls Display

Seminars, conferences, new product introductions... taking place at hotels and resorts are always great opportunities to convey specific and focused content.

Frontdesk Backdrop

Frontdesk Backdrop

Perfect to display welcome guest, promotion campaign, city event, important notice to guest at first show up.

Hotel Elevator Hall Ad Large Screen

Hotel Elevator Hall Ad Large Screen

The ideal space to transmit advertising content, multimedia messages to help connect and be more friendly with guests.

Hotel Elevator Hall Ad Large Screen

Hotel Elevator Hall Ad Large Screen

The ideal space to transmit advertising content, multimedia messages to help connect and be more friendly with guests.

Hotel Elevator Hall Ad & Info Screen

Hotel Elevator Hall Ad & Info Screen

Show guest the Hotel service and city information, advertisement can display also.

Electronic paintings along the corridor

Electronic paintings along the corridor

It is easy to change the content displayed in the most realistic way, from famous paintings to decorative images. Can also be used to send emergency messages.

Enhance Emergency Management Dystems

Enhance Emergency Management Dystems

Automatically switch all screen to Emergency displaying mode.

Hotel Public Area Wall Display

Hotel Public Area Wall Display

Hotel logo, Introduction, internal guest event introduction.

Hotel Shophouse Wall display

Hotel Shophouse Wall display

Best support to reduce headcount, especially support multi language to help guest purchase gift collections.

Hotel Shop house Outdoor Display

Hotel Shop house Outdoor Display

Display Hotel service advertisement or screen for rent.

Hotel corridor infomation display

Hotel corridor infomation display

Show corridor information, route map and help finding rooms, phone number and contact floor staff. Interactive.

Hotel corridor infomation display

Hotel corridor infomation display

Show corridor information, route map and help finding rooms, phone number and contact floor staff. Interactive.

Hotel in room main screen

Hotel in room main screen

TV programs, Hotel information and guide, on demand entertainment

Hotel Bath room Smart Display

Hotel Bath room Smart Display

Display weather information, news summary, announcements of the hotel.

Hotel Hall and Lobby Interactive Display

Hotel Hall and Lobby Interactive Display

Interactive screen, providing guests with general information about the hotel area, traffic, nearby famous places, transportation services, advertising combinations.

Hotel Convenience store self-service Kiosk

Hotel Convenience store self-service Kiosk

Reduced service staff, helping customers find travel collections or essentials without language barriers.

Hotel Gym Smart Mirror

Hotel Gym Smart Mirror

Connect to the fitness software on the phone, perform exercises instructions, display health information.

Hotel Bar Display

Hotel Bar Display

Automatic beverage menu display language selection

Hotel Restaurant Wall Display

Hotel Restaurant Wall Display

Introduce featured dishes, combine advertising.

Hotel Public Area Wall Display

Hotel Public Area Wall Display

Display hotel information, TV programs, announcements, run multimedia ads.

Hotel Staff Duty Display

Hotel Staff Duty Display

Display the internal area with information for employees, on duty schedules, special notes about the area and other internal information.

Hotel Staff Room Display

Hotel Staff Room Display

Set up in conjunction with hotel management system software.

Interactive Kiosks

Get a Quote

We are always happy to talk through your ideas, so please feel free to contact us to explore the most effective solution for your goals, timeline, and budget of your projecct.

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